Thursday, February 26, 2009

Flash text project review

I was happy to hear that my flash project was well received. I have to admit that at first, I was unsure of what I was going to do but everything began to flow together after I just pushed myself to do it. The original idea was going to be much different. I was going to make something similar to a music video but with interactivity. However I was not sure how to pull it off.

This project reminds me a lot of the previous project I made with the storybook. It takes something that people take for granted and flips it upside down with a little comedic humor.

Once I finally had an idea of what I was going to do, the questionnaire was easy to do. The coding was a little tricky though. I had to settle for if statements for things that would have given the user a more unexpected output. I wanted to be able to parse the number and have the number added to another number or changed to a random number but then this became more complicated than I wanted it to be. However, this project does encourage me to make good use of I purchased a session of it, I should put it to good use.

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