Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Artist Response 2

I found out about this artist on Drawn.ca and followed the link to his site. Recently, he created a voice based drawing program. It is the etch and sketch of the digital age. The picture to the left is one the artist made. According to the site, the level of the volume adjusts which way the lines will go. Low volume will turn the line counterclockwise, while high volume will turn it clockwise. The user can make the line straight with a medium volume.

I decided to give the voice program a shot. Unfortunately, it did not work as well for me. All I was able to get was a dot. I adjust my microphone setting, and experimented with my voice abut nothing happened. I even tried putting my headphones to the microphone. However, others were successful with the process and their work can be seen on his page. Some used their voice, others music, and some even used television shows.

I think this is another great example of how sound can be used to make images. This program takes a few steps away from traditional drawing. It also shows how new media art can really differ from traditional media. The draw to this project, that currently does not have a name, is that it needs interaction from others to work. It is just like a blank piece of paper in a way, it needs someone to create the image no matter if it is by hand or by voice.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. From the image you picked, it looks like he was using different volumes at the same time to create unique face.
