Friday, May 8, 2009

Artist Response 12

For my final Artist Response I want to return to discussing websites made in flash. I am drawn to creating websites in Flash over CSS style sheets because it brings a life to the website that is harder to achieve in the later. If one website can show how flashy flash can make a website. Air Atlantis's Splash page is one of the best I have seen and it is effective in describing what the website is about. Some splash pages only serve as decoration and do not have any function whatsoever. The website loads very fast and the pages are also interactive. Each web page is on the level of some sites splash paintings. They are dripping with detail and creativity and show the staff's advance knowledge of graphic design.
Websites are art that even anyone can see and admire. It's open to anyone as long as they have a computer and interenet connection. I dream that I will be able to achieve the level that these creators have. The examples of their works in the site is also very creative, beautiful and illustrational.

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